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« Typologie Linguistique des Phrases dans les Langues Sinitiques » 汉语方言类型讲座

October – November 2011

Research Seminars


In the framework of the ERC project « The hybrid syntactic typology of Sinitic languages » and the research programme of Team 1,  CRLAO  “Typologie et diachronie des langues sino-tibétaines en Asie orientale”, you are cordially invited to the following seminars:


Tuesday 4 October 2011

Hilario de SOUSA苏沙

“Some aspect and negation markers in Nanning Cantonese and Nanning Pinghua ”


Tuesday 11 October 2011

Meeting of Sinotype team and presentation of research programme and topics for 2011-2012 (Sinotype team): “Clause structure and complex sentences in Sinitic languages”


Tuesday 18 October 2011

Hilary CHAPPELL “Structural types and sources of object markers in Sinitic languages.”

处置式标记的来源。(followed by discussion of each team member’s data on this topic)


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Hilary CHAPPELL “Passive structures and their markers in Sinitic languages.”


(followed by discussion of each team member’s data on this topic)


Note: Public Holiday  on Tuesday 1 November for Toussaint  萬聖節 (All Hallows)


Thursday 3 November 2011

Yujie CHEN 陈玉洁  « Complex clause structures in the Shangshui dialect of Central Plains Mandarin »


Tuesday 8 November 2011 at 16:30

Christine Lamarre 柯理思   “Fusion of Northern Chinese inflectional formatives: how many categories?”


Note: Public Holiday on Friday November 11 for Armistice Day 1918 休战纪念日


Tuesday 15 November 2010

Xuping LI 李旭平 “Verb structure in Yichun Gan”


Tuesday 22 November 2010

Sing Sing NGAI 倪星星 “Clause structure in Shaowu (Minxi)”


Venue 地点:

Research meetings will be held at 4, rue Küss 75013 Paris.

星期二的研究进展会将在4 rue Küss举行。



Time 时间16:00 – 18:00  but note: 16:30 on Tuesday 8 November