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Final Symposium for the ERC project SINOTYPE (Wednesday 26th June)

Final Symposium for the ERC “Sinotype” project/
Symposium final pour le projet ERC « Sinotype »
Mercredi 26 juin/ Wednesday 26th June, 2013
Salle 7, 105 bd Raspail, 75006, Paris

08:30-08:40 Welcome and opening speech
08:40-08:55 Hilary CHAPPELL Introduction: Typological overview of Sinitic
09:00-09:45 Redouane DJAMOURI The grammaticalization of the modal particle shuo and
shuozhe in the Tangwang language 唐汪话里语气词 “说”、“说着” 的语法化过程
09:45-10:30 Hilário DE SOUSA What is Pinghua? Some typological features of
Nanning Pinghua
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:45  Sing Sing NGAI Shaowu: A typological profile of a hybrid dialect of
Min and Gan
11:45-12:30  CHEN Weirong Special features of Southern Min represented by the
Hui’an dialect
12:30-13:15   LI XuPing Gan Chinese: transiting from north to south or from
west to east
13:15-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:15 Hilary CHAPPELL Xianghua: Typology of an isolated Sinitic language
15:15-16:00 LÜ Shanshan Caijia: A syntactic typological profile
16:00-16:45 WANG Jian A sketch of the Jixi dialect: a typological perspective
16:45-17:15 Coffee break
17:15-18:00 CHEN Yujie A profile of the Shangshui dialect: a typological
18:00-18:45 Christine LAMARRE
In search for Pan-Sinitic features: the case of stativizing suffixes for posture and
placement verbs
18:45- Discussants General discussion

principal discussants:
Hilary CHAPPELL Closing speech


« Typologie des Phrases Complexes dans les Langues Sinitiques » Séminaire à l’EHESS Programme des séminaires pour février-mars 2013

« Typologie des Phrases Complexes dans les Langues Sinitiques »

Séminaire à l’EHESS

Programme des séminaires pour février-mars 2013


Lieu 地点:


Les mardis : Le séminaire se déroulera de 17h à 19h dans la salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, au bâtiment « Le France », 190-198 avenue de France, 75013, Paris.

Les jeudis : Le séminaire se déroulera de 16h à 18h au Sinotype Research Laboratory, RDC, 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris.


le mardi 12 février 2013. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

Prof. Hilary CHAPPELL 曹茜蕾 « Modality in Waxiang, an unaffiliated language of Hunan»


le jeudi 14 février 2013 de 11h à 13h:

Dr WANG Jian 王健  « Modality in Jixi Hui »


(H. Chappell fera une présentation à l’Université Stendhal à Grenoble le 15 février 2013 et partira jeudi dans l’après-midi. Par conséquence, l’heure du séminaire sera avancée à 11h.)


le mardi 19 février 2013. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

Dr XuPing LI 李旭平 « Modality in the Yichun dialect of Gan»


le jeudi 21 février 2013. 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

Dr Weirong CHEN 陈伟荣 « Modality in the Hui’an dialect of Southern Min »


le mardi 26 février 2013.. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

Ms. Sing Sing NGAI 倪星星 « Modality in the Shaowu dialect of Western Min »


le jeudi 28 février 2013. 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

Dr Hilario de SOUSA 苏沙  « Modality in the Nanning dialect of Pinghua »


Mardi 5 mars 2013. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

Hilary CHAPPELL 曹茜蕾 « Complex clauses in Waxiang: conditional constructions and temporal clauses »


Jeudi 7 mars 2013. 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

LIU Huali 刘华丽  Tsing Hua University, China/EHESS

« The evolution of “deng/dai” causative construction in Modern Chinese 汉语”等/待”使役结构的历时发展 »

Mardi 12 mars 2013. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

XuPing LI 李旭平«Adverbs in the Yichun dialect of Gan»


Jeudi 14 mars 2013. 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

Weirong CHEN 陈伟蓉 « Complex sentence structures in Hui’an Southern Min »


Mardi 19 mars 2013. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

Hilario de SOUSA 苏沙 « Complex sentence structures in Nanning Pinghua »


Jeudi  21 mars 2013. 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

Sing Sing NGAI 倪星星« Complex sentence structures in Shaowu (Minxi) »


Mardi 26 mars 2013. 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h (note : change of address)

Team work on elicitation questionnaires for complex sentences


Jeudi  28 mars 2013. 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

Team meeting Topic TBA

Avril-Mai : No seminars/Pause

Most of the ERC Sinotype team will be away on field trips to China for their individual projects during this period/ La plupart de l’équipe Sinotype de l’ERC sera en mission en Chine lors des mois d’avril et de mai.


Upcoming major event / événement majeur à venir :

Mercredi 26 juin 2013: Final Symposium for the Sinotype project

“The Hybrid Syntactic Typology of Sinitic Languages”

Salle 7, 105 bd Raspail, 75006, Paris

Programme to be announced.

Autumn seminars from November to December, 2012. ERC SINOTYPE 秋季研讨会

« Typologie des Phrases Complexes dans les Langues Sinitiques »

Séminaire à l’EHESS

Programme des séminaires d’automne pour les mois de novembre et décembre, 2012


Mardi  6 novembre 2012. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

“Ditransitives and double object constructions in Sinitic languages”  Part I

« Les constructions datives et les constructions à double objet dans les langues sinitiques » 1ère partie


Jeudi 8 novembre 2012, 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

“Ditransitives and double object constructions in Sinitic languages” Part II

« Les constructions datives et les constructions à double objet dans les langues sinitiques » 2ème partie


Mardi  13 novembre 2012. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

“Ditransitives and double object constructions in Sinitic languages” Part III

« Les constructions datives et les constructions à double objet dans les langues sinitiques » 3ème partie


Jeudi 15 novembre 2012, 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

Hilário de SOUSA 苏沙:

“The Southern Sinitic languages at the edge of Mainland Southeast Asia”


Mardi 20 novembre 2012. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

“Comparative constructions in Sinitic languages” Part I

« Les constructions comparatives dans les langues sinitiques » 1ère partie


Jeudi 22 novembre 2012, 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

« Languages in contact in Northwest China and fieldwork methodology »

Professor Charles N. Li, University of California at Santa Barbara


Mardi 27 novembre 2012. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

“Comparative constructions in Sinitic languages” Part II

« Les constructions comparatives dans les langues sinitiques » 2ème partie


Jeudi 29 novembre 2012, 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

“Comparative constructions in Sinitic languages” Part III

« Les constructions comparatives dans les langues sinitiques » 3ème partie


Jeudi 6 décembre 2012, 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

“Comparative constructions in Sinitic languages” Part IV : Final team presentations

(Sing Sing Ngai 倪星星, Hilario de Sousa 苏沙, Wang Jian 王健)

« Les constructions comparatives dans les langues sinitiques » 3ème partie


Mardi  11 décembre 2012. Salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, « Le France » de 17h à 19h

Shanshan Lü 吕珊珊 Doctorante à l’EHESS

Field report on the «Caijia language of Guizhou – 贵州蔡家话 »


Jeudi 13 décembre 2012, 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris de 16h à 18h

End of year meeting –  Résumé

Reunion de fin de l’année



Le programme pour les mois suivants à partir du mois de février 2013 sera annoncé ultérieurement.


Lieu 地点:


Les mardis : Le séminaire se déroulera dans la salle 3, RDC, Noyau B, au bâtiment « Le France », 190-198 avenue de France, 75013, Paris.

Les jeudis : Le séminaire se déroulera au Sinotype Research Laboratory, RDC, 4bis rue Küss, 75013, Paris.



Sinotype  Research Laboratory

4bis, rue Küss

75013 Paris


Métro: Maison Blanche (ligne 7)

Tramway T3: Poterne des Peupliers


Conference given by Prof Charles LI, 21 novembre 2012

Conférence de Pr. Charles LI, le 21 novembre à Villejuif

Le LACITO et le programme ERC Sinotype ont le plaisir de vous inviter à une conférence du Prof. Charles LI, professeur émérite à l’Université de Californie à Santa Barbara, et chercheur invité au Collegium de Lyon, intitulée “Cognition, the Whorfian hypothesis and language complexity. A perspective from the Chinese spatial metaphor for time. “.

La conférence aura lieu le mercredi 21 Novembre 2012 à 14h30, dans la salle de conférence R-de-C du bâtiment D, CNRS, 27 rue Guy Môquet, à Villejuif. (métro Villejuif-Paul Vaillant-Couturier)  Plan d’accès :


The conference will examine issues in cognition, the Whorfian Hypothesis and language complexity from a synchronic description and a hitherto uncharted diachronic account of the linguistic as well as conceptual metaphors for PAST and FUTURE. Currently, how do Chinese people conceptualize the past and the future? In the past, how did Chinese people conceptualize the past and future? What is the dominant metaphor for PAST and FUTURE in the Chinese language presently and in the past? In what way do answers to these questions shed light on complexity?


Call for abstracts–Argument realisation of GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs in functionally motivated approaches

Call for abstracts for a workshop
within the 2013 Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics  on:
Argument realisation of GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs
in functionally motivated approaches
Gudrun Rawoens (University of Gent, BELGIUM):
Brian Nolan (Institute of Technology Blanchardstown Dublin IRELAND):
Elke Diedrichsen (Google Labs, European Headquarters. Dublin IRELAND):
Ilona Tragel (University of Tartu, ESTONIA):

Email addresses:<><><><>

Within the framework of the 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics (25-SCL), organized under the auspices of the Nordic Association of Linguists (NAL), to take place at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík, May 13–15, 2013, we intend to hold a workshop on functionally motivated work in understanding the cross linguistic behaviour of the verbs GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE and their argument realisation in various syntactic constructions.
The purpose of the workshop is to examine and discuss recent and current work in the use of functional, cognitive and constructional approaches to understanding the cross linguistic behaviour of the verbs GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE. Contributions that offer a treatment of one or more of these verbs are very welcome!

The workshop will address the following main topics and research issues with respect to understanding the cross linguistic behaviour of the verbs GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE:
·       Mapping at the semantic-syntactic interface across these verbs
·       The argument structure of GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs
·       The lexical semantics and event structure of GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs
·       Argument realisation of GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs in morphosyntax
·       The encoding of the significant thematic roles in these 3place syntactic constructions
·       Symmetries and asymmetries in the encoding of arguments in constructions using GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs
·       Grammaticalisation with GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE
·       GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE in a constructional perspective
·       Information structure in constructions with GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE
The organisers of this workshop are a European group of linguists and computational linguists and computer scientists who have collaborated at various Societas Linguistica Europaea workshops and in the publication of the special issue of Linguistics (2012: 50-6) on GET verbs in European languages. The selection of GET verbs as a research topic was motivated in several ways and explained by their high frequency, their formal and semantic complexity, their high variability in cross linguistic comparisons and their susceptibility to semantic extension and to grammaticalization. There is already a substantial body of research on GIVE verbs, the verbal converses of GET verbs (Newman 1996 and Newman 1998).
The aim of the workshop is to draw a comprehensive, representative and detailed picture of the vast polysemy, multifunctionality and dynamics of GET, GIVE, PUT and TAKE verbs across languages. As these are highly dynamic verbs, their semantic and grammatical changes as well as their synchronic variation offer many research opportunities. However, we need to understand the behaviours and also syntactic construction patterns of these verbs in considerably more detail.

abstracts can be submitted through Easy Abstracts (
no later than November 1st.
Diedrichsen, Elke. 2012. What you give is what you GET? On reanalysis, semantic extension, and functional motivation with the German bekommen-passive construction. In Lenz, Alexandra N. and Gudrun Rawoens. The Art of Getting: GET verbs in European languages from a synchronic and diachronic point of view. Special issue of Linguistics. 50-6.
Kopecka, Anetta and Bhuvana Narasimhan. 2012. Events of Putting and Taking: A crosslinguistic perspective (Typological Studies in Language). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Lenz, Alexandra N. and Gudrun Rawoens. 2012. The Art of Getting: GET verbs in European languages from a synchronic and diachronic point of view. Special issue of Linguistics. 50-6.
Mukherjee, Joybrato (2005): English Ditransitive Verbs. Aspects of Theory, Description and a Usage-based Model. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi.
Newman, John (1996): Give: A Cognitive Linguistic Study. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter (Cognitive Linguistics Research. 7).
Newman, John (ed.) (1998): The Linguistics of Giving. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: Benjamins (Typological Studies in Language. 36).
Nolan, Brian. 2012. The GET constructions of Modern Irish and Irish English: GET-passive and GET-recipient variations. In Lenz, Alexandra N. and Gudrun Rawoens. The Art of Getting: GET verbs in European languages from a synchronic and diachronic point of view. Special issue of Linguistics. 50-6.
Tragel, Ilona and Külli Habicht. 2012. Grammaticalization of the Estonian saama ‘get’.  In Lenz, Alexandra N. and Gudrun Rawoens. The Art of Getting: GET verbs in European languages from a synchronic and diachronic point of view. Special issue of Linguistics. 50-6.
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National Taiwan Normal University

June 7 – 9, 2013

Abstracts are invited for talks on any fields of Chinese linguistics or linguistic studies of languages in China. Each talk will be 15 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion. Submissions are limited to one individual and one joint abstract per author.

Abstracts should be submitted online through Please stick to the following format guidelines:

o    Abstracts should take the form of a PDF.

o    Abstracts can be written in English or Chinese:

  • ·         For English: Please use standard Times New Roman font, size 12 pt
  • ·         For Chinese: Please use BiaoKai font, size 12 pt

o    Abstracts are limited to one page (using 1 inch margins on all sides), including examples and (selected) references.

o    All non-standard fonts should be embedded in the document.

o    Abstracts should be anonymous.

Abstracts should be submitted no later than December 31, 2012. The result of selection will be announced around February 22, 2013.

Conference posters can be viewed here: Chinese  English

More details are available at the conference website:, or at the IACL website,




(in alphabetical order)


Chappell, Hilary. 2011. Le Hakka. In E. Bonvini, Joëlle Busuttil and A. Peyraube (eds.) Encyclopédie des Sciences du Langage: Dictionnaire des langues. Paris: Presses Universitaire de France [with Laurent Sagart], pp. 1016-1024 (2011).

Chappell, Hilary. 2011. Le Min. In E. Bonvini, Joëlle Busuttil and A. Peyraube  (eds.) Encyclopédie des Sciences du Langage: Dictionnaire des langues. Paris: Presses Universitaire de France, pp. 1025-1036. [with C.F. Lien].

Chappell, Hilary. 2011. A comitative source for object markers in Sinitic languages: 跟 kai55 in Waxiang and 共 kang7 in Southern Min. Journal of East Asian Linguistics  20.4 : 291-338. (with Alain Peyraube and Yunji Wu).

Chappell, Hilary. 2011. Ya33 ‘give’ as a valency increaser in Jinghpo nuclear serialization: from benefactive to malefactive. Studies in Language 35.1.128-167 (with Guozhen Peng).

Chappell, Hilary. 2011. Grammaticalization in Sinitic languages. Chapter 65.  In Bernd Heine & Heiko Narrog (eds.) A handbook of grammaticalization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 786-796 (with Alain Peyraube).

Chappell, Hilary.  In press. Say in Sinitic: from verbum dicendi to attitudinal discourse marker. In Jan Nuyts and Johan van der Auwera (eds.) Proceedings of the International conference on Grammaticalization and Intersubjectification, Royal Flemish Academy of  Belgium for Science and the Arts,  Brussels, November 2010.

Chappell, Hilary. In press. Pan-Sinitic object markers: morphology and syntax. In Cao Guangshun, H. Chappell, R. Djamouri & Thekla Wiebusch (eds.). Breaking down the barriers: interdisciplinary studies in Chinese linguistics and beyond. 2 vols. Taipei: Academia Sinica.

Chappell, Hilary. In press. Hunan fangyan juzhong wanchengtai zhuci de xingcheng guocheng « 湖南方言句中完成态助词的形成过程 » (Formation processes for perfective aspect auxiliaries in clause-medial position of Hunan dialects). Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on the dialects of Hunan, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan (with Yunji Wu).

Chen Yujie. 2011. Neutral vs. medial demonstratives. 《中性指示词与中指指示词》Dialect《方言》2:172-181.

Chen Yujie. 2010. Demonstratives in Sinitic languages-a typological perspective. 《汉语指示词的类型学研究》. Chinese Social Science Press, Beijing.

de Sousa, Hilário. In press. 南宁上尧平话「个 kə55」用法初探 [First look into the functions of 个 kə55 in Nanning Shangyao Pinghua]. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Academic Conference on the Grammar of Chinese Dialects. Shanghai: Shanghai University.

de Sousa, Hilário. forthcoming. Pinghua (of Guangxi). Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.

Li XuPing. 2010. Two types of measure readings in Chinese classifier phrase. In Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Chinese and linguistics. Taipei: Academia Sinica. Pp. 203-228.  (Co-author: Susan Rothstein).

Li XuPing. 2011. On the semantics of classifiers. PhD Dissertation. Bar Ilan University, Israel.

Li XuPing. 2012. Classifiers in Sinitic languages: From individuation to
definiteness-marking. Lingua. DOI:10.1016/j.lingua.2011.12.002 (with Walter Bisang).

Li XuPing. 2012. Measure readings of Chinese classifier phrases and the particle de. Language and linguistics 13.4: 693-741. (Co-author: Susan Rothstein).

Wang Jian. In press. Jixi Lingbei fangyan zhong de liangci duyong xianxiang « 绩溪岭北方言中的量词独用现象» ( ‘Bare classifier phrases in the Jixi Lingbei dialect’).  Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on the grammars of Chinese dialects.

Wang Jian. 2011. Lianshui hua zhong de xici dou « 涟水话中的系词“斗”» (The copula dou 斗in the Lianshui dialect). Chinese Linguistics中国语文 6 : PP. 532-535 (with Gu Jinsong).

Wang Jian. In press. Suwan quyu fangyan yufa bijiao yanjiu «苏皖区域方言语法比较研究». (The comparative grammatical research on the dialects in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces). Beijing: The Commercial Press.

Wu Jianming. 2012. Impersonality from Sinitic perspectives. Journal of Foreign Languages 外国语. 35. 2: 31 – 38 (with Anna Siewierska)





Autumn seminars from September to November, 2012. ERC SINOTYPE 秋季研讨会


Autumn seminars from September to November, 2012  秋季研讨会

In the framework of the ERC project « The hybrid syntactic typology of Sinitic languages » and the research programme of Team 1,  CRLAO  “Typologie et diachronie des langues sino-tibétaines en Asie orientale”, you are cordially invited to the following seminars:


欧盟科研理事会 SINOTYPE 研究项目诚邀您参加以下的研讨会:


Venue 地点:

Seminars will be held at 4, rue Küss 75013 Paris.

研究进展报告会将于巴黎十三区4 rue Küss举行。


Time 时间: 16:00 – 18:00



Thursday 20 September 2012

Weirong CHEN 陈伟蓉

“Phonological reduction and grammaticalization”


Tuesday 25 September 2012

XuPing LI 李旭平 “Coordination and subordination in Yichun Gan”


Tuesday 2 October 2012

Jian WANG  王键:

“How to ask for WHO without who: A typological study of interrogative words in Sinitic languages”


Thursday 4 October 2012 

Hilary CHAPPELL曹茜蕾:

“Language contact in Northwestern Hunan, China: Stratification and hybridization in Waxiang”


Tuesday 9 October 2012

Hilário de SOUSA 苏沙:

“Clause structure in Nanning Pinghua”


Thursday 11 October 2012

Sing Sing NGAI 倪星星

“Clause structure in Shaowu (Minxi)”



16th October – 31st October (Conference on Chinese Dialect Grammar in Sichuan; 第六届汉语方言语法国际学术研讨会Sino-Tibetan Conference in Singapore 45th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics — ICSTLL45)



Tuesday 6 November 2012

“Ditransitives and double object constructions in Sinitic languages” Part I

Sinotype team discussion


Thursday 8 November 2012

“Ditransitives and double object constructions in Sinitic languages” Part II

Sinotype team discussion


Tuesday 13 November 2012

“Adverbs in Sinitic languages” Part I

Sinotype team discussion


Thursday 15 November 2012

Hilário de SOUSA 苏沙:

“The Southern Sinitic languages at the edge of Mainland Southeast Asia”


Tuesday 20 November 2012

“Comparative constructions in Sinitic languages” Part I

Sinotype team discussion


Thursday 22 November 2012

“Comparative constructions in Sinitic languages” Part II

Sinotype team discussion


Tuesday 27 November 2012

XuPing LI 李旭平 “Sentence-final particles in Yichun Gan”


Thursday 29 November 2012

“Adverbs in Sinitic languages” Part II

Sinotype team discussion




Seminars by Prof William Croft

Conférences du Prof William CROFT

Directeur d’études associé à l’EHESS

Professeur de linguistique à l’Université de New Mexico à Albuquerque, Etats-Unis

“A two-dimensional conceptual analysis of lexical aspect”

Mardi 22 mai de 16h00 à 18h00

“An integrated semantic representation of the aspectual and causal structure of events”

Jeudi 24 mai de 16h00 à 18h00


“When is a modifier a modifier? A Radical Construction Grammar approach”

Mardi 5 juin de 16h00 à 18h00

Les conférences auront lieu en salle 5.09

à l’Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales


65 rue des Grands Moulins 75013 Paris

The 3rd Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Sichuan

The 3rd Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Sichuan will be held in Paris, 2-4 Sept. 2013 under the auspices of CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) <>

. The conference’s website is:

The aim of this workshop is to stimulate cross-fertilization of research efforts on the large number of little-explored Sino-Tibetan languages and dialects spoken in Sichuan and abutting areas. To what extent do features shared by several languages of the area reflect deeply entrenched borrowings? To what extent do they constitute retentions? These and
other intriguing questions prompted researchers at the Institute of Linguistics at Academia Sinica to organize in 2008 a workshop dedicated specifically to Tibeto-Burman Languages of Sichuan<>.

A second edition <> of the workshop was hosted by the Center for Chinese Linguistics of Peking University in 2010, with an emphasis on “Principles and Practices of Reconstruction”. This edition’s special focus is on “Sino-Tibetan Languages of Sichuan in their Areal Context”: in addition to studies of languages of Sichuan proper, we
encourage submissions about Sino-Tibetan languages of areas that border on Sichuan. The conference will also include a panel on Rgyalrong and Kiranti comparative morphosyntax.
Abstracts are invited on topics that include descriptions of phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics, historical-comparative linguistics, typology, and field reports on recently investigated languages.

Abstract submission deadline: Feb. 28th, 2013. (Abstract submission will be opened as from from September 1st, 2012.)
Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2013.

For further details, please refer to the conference’s website