Autumn seminars from September to November, 2012 秋季研讨会
In the framework of the ERC project « The hybrid syntactic typology of Sinitic languages » and the research programme of Team 1, CRLAO “Typologie et diachronie des langues sino-tibétaines en Asie orientale”, you are cordially invited to the following seminars:
欧盟科研理事会 SINOTYPE 研究项目诚邀您参加以下的研讨会:
Venue 地点:
Seminars will be held at 4, rue Küss 75013 Paris.
研究进展报告会将于巴黎十三区4 rue Küss举行。
Time 时间: 16:00 – 18:00
Thursday 20 September 2012
Weirong CHEN 陈伟蓉
“Phonological reduction and grammaticalization”
Tuesday 25 September 2012
XuPing LI 李旭平 “Coordination and subordination in Yichun Gan”
Tuesday 2 October 2012
Jian WANG 王键:
“How to ask for WHO without who: A typological study of interrogative words in Sinitic languages”
Thursday 4 October 2012
Hilary CHAPPELL曹茜蕾:
“Language contact in Northwestern Hunan, China: Stratification and hybridization in Waxiang”
Tuesday 9 October 2012
Hilário de SOUSA 苏沙:
“Clause structure in Nanning Pinghua”
Thursday 11 October 2012
Sing Sing NGAI 倪星星
“Clause structure in Shaowu (Minxi)”
16th October – 31st October (Conference on Chinese Dialect Grammar in Sichuan; 第六届汉语方言语法国际学术研讨会Sino-Tibetan Conference in Singapore 45th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics — ICSTLL45)
Tuesday 6 November 2012
“Ditransitives and double object constructions in Sinitic languages” Part I
Sinotype team discussion
Thursday 8 November 2012
“Ditransitives and double object constructions in Sinitic languages” Part II
Sinotype team discussion
Tuesday 13 November 2012
“Adverbs in Sinitic languages” Part I
Sinotype team discussion
Thursday 15 November 2012
Hilário de SOUSA 苏沙:
“The Southern Sinitic languages at the edge of Mainland Southeast Asia”
Tuesday 20 November 2012
“Comparative constructions in Sinitic languages” Part I
Sinotype team discussion
Thursday 22 November 2012
“Comparative constructions in Sinitic languages” Part II
Sinotype team discussion
Tuesday 27 November 2012
XuPing LI 李旭平 “Sentence-final particles in Yichun Gan”
Thursday 29 November 2012
“Adverbs in Sinitic languages” Part II
Sinotype team discussion
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
sinotype (24 septembre 2012). Autumn seminars from September to November, 2012. ERC SINOTYPE 秋季研讨会. Sinotype. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/u79d